The Strange Duality of Being a Pregnant Professor

Tenure, She Wrote

Alternatively: The spirit is willing, but the body is busy making other plans

This semester, I’ve prepped a new class, advised students, written papers and proposals, attended two international conferences, and served on committees. In short, I’ve done all the things that an academic usually does. I’ve also put on twenty pounds, had heartburn so bad it made think I was going to throw up, lacked the lung capacity to get from my parking lot to my office, and had nights where I was so uncomfortable I got barely three hours of sleep. In short, I’ve done all the things that second & third trimester pregnant woman usually does. The tension between the daily work which engages my mind and the unmistakable physical changes which are taking place in my body have given this semester a strange duality – a sense of occupying two spaces at once, in a way…

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He Has Your Type At Home


“You have her type at home…”

I’d been hearing and reading about these ‘type at home’ statements for quite some tome now, little did I know I was going to become the victim of the statement one day and soon at that. I needed money urgently on this fateful day and I was unable withdraw from the ATM so I transferred money to a friend’s account so I could use her own ATM card. Unfortunately, when the time came for me to get the cash, it turned out that her card had expired since May and she didn’t know because it was a rarely used account. This meant I had to ‘hunt her down’ the next day, drag her to the bank and get the cash. My friend is a pregnant, working lady so the trip to the bank obviously wasn’t one she did happily.

So we get to the…

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Can Creative Parents Have IT ALL Too?

mike_lbeThis is a slightly revised version of my very first blog post. Back in January of 2013, I was ramping up to self publish a novel called Living by Ear, and knew I should start a blog. But what would I write about? People advised me to consider the themes in the book and blog about how they applied to my life.

Now, Living by Ear has lots of themes, including music, divorce, alcoholism, parenting, and infidelity. But when I really thought about it, the theme that resonated most heavily with me was that of balancing parenthood with creativity. The main character in Living by Ear is a soon-to-be-single mom attempting to re-establish her music career while also trying to be a good parent to her two teenage children. Which wasn’t all that different from what I was doing. Thankfully, I’m happily married, but as the mother of two…

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